Get to know us.

Theatrical Happy Hour is a quarterly event that seeks to create space for theater professionals to connect, fostering camaraderie across the industry.

Please join us for our next Theatrical Happy Hour on Thursday, August 29th in Sheep Meadow in Central Park.


Theatrical Happy Hour was established in 2012 by Kristen Luciani, Margaret Skoglund, Emily Cole, and Matthew Troillett as a means to connect the theater industry and build relationships that would make professional networks more personal. Initially at Bourbon Street, the event grew quickly over the years to amass over 300 listed members. In 2015, due to interest from the community, Kristen, Zachary Baer, and Saul Nathan-Kazis expanded to also include a 600+ member online forum where people could engage and share ticket offers, job/gig listings, announcements, and more.

The event went dark in 2017, before being revived in 2022 with a new leadership team committed to holding designated spaces and time for theater professionals to meet and connect outside the structures of our traditional “work” spaces. Events are hosted numerous times throughout the year and will adapt and change depending on the needs of the community. We are excited to gather together for edification, community, and to share best practices as we navigate this next chapter in our careers. We hope you will join us where we will socialize the old-fashioned way. 

Leadership Team

Theatrical Happy Hour is comprised of a volunteer, eight person leadership team committed to maintaining the events.

Top Row: Victoria Detres (she/her), Kiara Brown-Clark (she/her), Joe Hetterly (he/him), Alverneq Lindsay (she/her)

Bottom Row: Barclay Sparrow (she/her), Nadia Delisfort (she/her), Samantha Squeri (she/her), Diego Alejandro González (he/they)

Upcoming Events

Theatrical Happy Hour

Thursday, August 29th: 5:30pm-8:30pm

Venue: Sheep Meadow, Central Park


Theatrical Happy Hour Events

Theatrical Happy Hour is passionate about connecting individuals. We recognize that people have different preferences towards connecting so we strive to provide a variety of events to cater to different networking styles. 

Theatrical Happy Hour is a quarterly event that seeks to create space for theater professionals to connect, fostering camaraderie across the industry.

Theatrical Happy Hour Working Group is a new spin on what it means to collaborate intentionally, in community, and across disciplines. Working Group is a space to gather together, brainstorm solutions, and to use our collective knowledge to edify, encourage, and empower.

Outings is a Theatrical Happy Hour event that focuses on doing things together. 


Theatrical Happy Hour is a volunteer organization that seeks to be an inclusive, safe space for theatrical professionals to connect. Although we strive to be an accessible and anti-racist organization, we know that we will stumble along the way. We cannot promise a perfect space, but we can promise to build a community that values transparency and accountability. If you are in need of any accommodations or would like to connect with the leadership team, please email us.


Theatrical Happy Hour has put together a list of different resources that we have found helpful in our careers! Click below tot view the resources page and of you would like make any suggestions, please email us at

What is a Theater Professional? 

Theatrical Happy Hour focuses on theater professionals under the broad umbrella of performing arts managers, i.e. those working in General Management, Producing, Casting, Talent Management, Finance, etc. We know that many people are multi-hyphenate artists working in the theatrical, artistic, public, and community focused industries with skills that vary from acting to playwriting. All are welcome at Theatrical Happy Hour events, but we will cater the lens towards those working in arts management.


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